Bible / Theology / Ethics

Filtering by: Bible / Theology / Ethics
Berkeley Palmer Lecture / Lisa Bowens, PhD
7:00 PM19:00

Berkeley Palmer Lecture / Lisa Bowens, PhD

We are pleased and privileged to welcome Dr. Lisa Bowens from Princeton Theological Seminary for the seventh annual Berkeley Palmer Lecture.  Join us for an evening of fellowship and insightful biblical scholarship for modern times.

Speaker: Dr. Lisa Bowens

American history and biblical interpretation are intricately connected. Many African Americans utilized scripture in their struggle for liberation and justice. This lecture will explore the writings of black interpreters of the Apostle Paul from the1700s to the mid-twentieth century and will demonstrate the significance of these interpreters for American history and for the church. Along with examining some of their writings we will explore the following questions: What can we learn from these interpreters? What can they teach us? Why do they matter?

Location: First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley

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Learning from the Inklings in Wartime: When Civilization and Cultures are on the Brink
9:00 AM09:00

Learning from the Inklings in Wartime: When Civilization and Cultures are on the Brink

A New College Berkeley Conference

Join some of today's leading experts on the Inklings as we discuss the timely topic of global unrest and the lessons of war as seen through this legendary group of friends. Together we shall grapple with questions such as:

  • What were the Oxford Inklings up to when the winds of war were blowing?

  • What can we learn from Lewis, Tolkien, Barfield and Williams during two world wars and the rise of fascism in Europe?

  • When "the center cannot hold," how shall we then live?

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Advent in the Context of Empire: Awaiting Jesus’ Arrival, Then and Now
1:00 PM13:00

Advent in the Context of Empire: Awaiting Jesus’ Arrival, Then and Now

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke actually portray the birth of Jesus in quite divergent ways, emphasizing different themes that will resonate throughout their accounts of the messiah’s life, death, and resurrection. What the two infancy narratives have in common is an understanding that Jesus was born and lived his life entirely within the context of the world-conquering military and political power of the Roman Empire. Grasping that historical context really matters for those of us today who seek to understand the Gospels as we ourselves read from within a contemporary environment characterized by empire. Join biblical scholar Michael Barram and local pastors for a fascinating exploration of the Gospel birth narratives within their imperial contexts, and an engaging discussion about how those accounts can help shape and form our communities of faith for our own contextualized participation in God’s mission in the world today.

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Bearers of God's Image: Human Dignity Amidst Violent Polarization
10:00 AM10:00

Bearers of God's Image: Human Dignity Amidst Violent Polarization

Division, fear and egregious behaviors abound in this political moment. Is there something in Christianity that points a way toward unity and harmony? In this workshop, Dr. “Joey” Alan Le will examine the relationship between human dignity and the Imago Dei. The image of God can be understood as a collective appreciation of otherness rather than an individualistic capacity. When Christians learn to see beauty for what it is — as being and as difference — then they can finally see all things and all people, even political adversaries, as God’s beautiful, valuable, worthy, and dignified creations. This aesthetic attitude holds the potential to shift and elevate the Christian ethic, making the task of political engagement more charitable, hospitable and, in a word, Christ-honoring. Come and join for some informed discussion and relationship-building around this important topic.

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Fostering Harmony with Land and Neighbor / Dr. Ruth Padilla DeBorst
7:00 PM19:00

Fostering Harmony with Land and Neighbor / Dr. Ruth Padilla DeBorst

Dr. Ruth Padilla DeBorst, a theologian, author, educator, and leader at Casa Adobe in Costa Rica, a Christ-centered community committed to embodying concrete expressions of love of neighbor, will speak on the whole gospel's call to ecological justice, the well-being of creation and its peoples. There will be opportunities for Q&A and conversation with others.

Location: Oakland City Church

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Communal Discernement / Dr. Robert Chao Romero
10:00 AM10:00

Communal Discernement / Dr. Robert Chao Romero

“It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us”––Teologia en Conjunto: The Practice of Theological Communal Discernment.

A workshop on the practice of theological communal discernment in times of cultural change.
Co-sponsored with the Latino-led Ministries for the Pacific Southwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church.  For pastors, parachurch ministers, lay leaders, and all who are interested in the task of biblical and theological learning.

Location: Berkeley Covenant Church, 1632 Hopkins Street, Berkeley, CA 94707

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Liberating Scripture: An Introduction to Missional Hermeneutics - Book Talk & Signing
11:30 AM11:30

Liberating Scripture: An Introduction to Missional Hermeneutics - Book Talk & Signing

We have a tendency to shackle Scripture within a range of interpretive assumptions and perspectives that can undermine and hinder its liberative power. As a result, the Bible often needs to be liberated from us even as it offers liberation for us. In their new book, Liberating Scripture, Michael Barram and John R. Franke invite their readers to join them in an exciting, emerging posture for biblical interpretation that fosters both forms of liberation. Join us for a lively afternoon with these engaging scholar-teachers as we explore what God is doing in the world—and how we may participate within that divine mission. Come learn about this important book, dialogue with the authors, and, if you like, purchase a copy and get it signed! Copies of Liberating Scripture will be available for purchase at the event, or you may bring your own copy to get it signed. We hope you will join us!

Admission: Free.

Location: First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, 94704

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Berkeley Palmer Lecture / Mark Labberton
7:00 PM19:00

Berkeley Palmer Lecture / Mark Labberton


The Reverend Dr. Labberton will present “The Wonder and Tyranny of Fear”.

Fear can lead us into life. It can also strip us of life and drive us towards death. And, it can both liberate and imprison us in-between.

Our lives and cultures are besieged by fears of many kinds—sometimes by an array of circumstances or threats, sometimes by the curated intentions of influencers, sometimes by inner voices creating and escalating anxiety.

We will explore some of the biblical, psychological, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of how we experience fear, why, and the hopeful impact of wonder and worship in our fear-shaped lives.

Admission: General $25 / "Living Lightly" $15 / Students Free

Location: First Presbyterian Church Bekeley

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Blessed are the Peacemakers? Rereading the Sermon on the Mount today
7:00 PM19:00

Blessed are the Peacemakers? Rereading the Sermon on the Mount today

with Michael Barram, PhD

Given the individualistic, divisive, revenge-oriented environment in which we find ourselves, Jesus’s blessing upon “the peacemakers” at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:9) may sound unrealistic and out of touch. Are Jesus’s disciples to be tangibly involved in peacemaking, or is Jesus articulating a theoretical and aspirational ideal? In short, is peacemaking central to the missional calling of Jesus’s followers? Join us as we explore the Sermon afresh during these fraught and challenging times.

LOCATION: First Presbyterian Church Berkeley

Fee: $35 general admission, or a "living lightly" rate of $15. Students are free.

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Nationalism, Trauma and Christian Faith: An Asian American Conversation
1:00 PM13:00

Nationalism, Trauma and Christian Faith: An Asian American Conversation

oin this roundtable discussion, among Asian American academics and church leaders, about the history and present-day impact of religious nationalism in the United States. Event will begin with a presentation by Brad Onishi, author of Preparing for War: The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism - and What Comes Next.  A response will then be given by Ray Chang, President, Asian American Christian Collaborative, followed by conversation with a panel of Bay Area Asian American leaders (see below).  Craig Wong, executive director of NCB, and Grace Kaori Suzuki, Christ United Presbyterian Church, will serve as co-moderators. There will be time for audience Q&A, and roundtable conversation among the attendees. All are welcome.

Location: Grace Community Covenant Church, Los Altos, CA / free parking

NOTE: This program will also be livestreamed via Zoom for those who cannot attend in person.

Fee: General $40 / “Living Lightly” $15 / Student free / Livestream $20

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Restorative Practices: Facilitation from the Head to the Heart / Session 4
5:00 PM17:00

Restorative Practices: Facilitation from the Head to the Heart / Session 4

Church communities are increasingly being challenged by polarizing issues. Meanwhile, new stresses and strains are causing micro-harms and conflicts between church members, resulting in atmospheres of avoidance and mistrust. This workshop is one of four (each can be attended as a standalone) that tap into biblical narratives to offer rich wisdom for how people in church settings can hold space for hard but healing conversations. The power of people telling their own stories and being heard well by others is vital, but this work often requires the help of third-party facilitators. Participants receive an introductory foundation for facilitating processes that help people move from a defensive “head-zone” to an open “heart-zone” so that new life can rise up.

Registration: General $25/ Living Lightly $10/ Student Free 

Location: Online/zoom

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Restorative Practices: Conversations from Fear to Forgiveness / Session 3
5:00 PM17:00

Restorative Practices: Conversations from Fear to Forgiveness / Session 3

Church communities are increasingly being challenged by polarizing issues. Meanwhile, new stresses and strains are causing micro-harms and conflicts between church members, resulting in atmospheres of avoidance and mistrust. This workshop is one of four (each can be attended as a standalone) that tap into biblical narratives to offer rich wisdom for how people in church settings can hold space for hard but healing conversations. The power of people telling their own stories and being heard well by others is vital, but this work often requires the help of third-party facilitators. Participants receive an introductory foundation for facilitating processes that help people move from a defensive “head-zone” to an open “heart-zone” so that new life can rise up.

Registration: General $25/ Living Lightly $10/ Student Free 

Location: Online/zoom

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AI and the Church / An Introduction
7:00 PM19:00

AI and the Church / An Introduction

Dr. Braden Molhoek and Dr. Ted Peters will equip pastors and lay leaders with an overview of ethical questions being raised by rapidly emerging AI technologies in all aspects of society.

The buzz about AI has been dizzying, hasn’t it? This seminar will help provide handles, particularly for pastors, campus ministers and lay leaders, for how to think Christianly about these emerging technologies and associated ethical challenges. What are the prospects, for better or worse, of AI, and what are some of the implications for the Church’s life and mission? Braden Molhoek & Ted Peters will give a presentation followed by engagement with a panel of faith leaders and audience Q&A.

Registration: General $35/ Reduced $15/ Student Free. There is free, available parking. Light refreshments provided.

Location: Palo Alto Christian Reformed Church, 94306

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Restorative Practices for Congregations: from Clash to Coexistence / Session 2
5:00 PM17:00

Restorative Practices for Congregations: from Clash to Coexistence / Session 2

Church communities are increasingly being challenged by polarizing issues. Meanwhile, new stresses and strains are causing micro-harms and conflicts between church members, resulting in atmospheres of avoidance and mistrust. This workshop is one of four (each can be attended as a standalone) that tap into biblical narratives to offer rich wisdom for how people in church settings can hold space for hard but healing conversations. The power of people telling their own stories and being heard well by others is vital, but this work often requires the help of third-party facilitators. Participants receive an introductory foundation for facilitating processes that help people move from a defensive “head-zone” to an open “heart-zone” so that new life can rise up.

Registration: General $25/ Living Lightly $10/ Student Free

Location: Online/zoom

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Doing Asian American Theology: A Roundtable for Everyone
4:00 PM16:00

Doing Asian American Theology: A Roundtable for Everyone

Asian American Theology is Everything Everywhere All at Once! That’s why we’re inviting you to be part of this roundtable discussion with Rev. Dr. Daniel D. Lee, Rev. Tina Teng-Henson, Rev. Brian Hui, Rev. Dr. Grace Kaori Suzuki, and Rev. Darren Hsiung on Monday, June 19, 2023 between 4-6 pm at First Presbyterian Church, Berkeley.

Whether you are a pastor, layperson, scholar, or just someone who’s trying to put your faith into practice at school or work, come and join the conversation!

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Christ Among the Classes: The Rich, the Poor and the Mission of the Church
7:00 PM19:00

Christ Among the Classes: The Rich, the Poor and the Mission of the Church

Al Tizon, PhD, through his latest book, Christ Among the Classes, addresses economic injustice from a biblical perspective, and the implications for the mission of the Church in the world. Tizon will be in conversation with Nikki Toyama-Szeto, who carries on the work of the late Dr. Ron Sider, author of Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger.

Free Admission. Donation suggested.

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Stories of the Saints / with Gary Vanderpol, PhD
10:30 AM10:30

Stories of the Saints / with Gary Vanderpol, PhD

This month's Stories of the Saints is perfect for those who are wanting to meet other Christians concerned about the climate crisis. We'll encounter brothers and sisters from southern Africa whose story of prophetic creation care will fill you with hope and love for our Creator. And who knows, maybe the Sprit will energize us to follow in their steps right here in the Bay Area. Come see what God is up to!

Format: Presentation plus Q&A, followed by information conversation. 

Light breakfast is provided.

No fee.

Location: Berkeley, CA

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When the Bible Disagrees with Itself
5:00 PM17:00

When the Bible Disagrees with Itself

With Henry Sun, PhD / Online

Many Christians have been told that the Bible contains a unified message without any disagreements, conflicts, or contradictions within its pages. But what if the premise of that claim is false? This webinar will begin by considering different examples of instances where the Bible disagrees with itself and conclude with an audience discussion of how we can maintain faith in God and God's revelation in that context.

No fee.

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Stories of the Saint / with Gary Vanderpol, PhD
10:30 AM10:30

Stories of the Saint / with Gary Vanderpol, PhD

Wouldn't it be encouraging to "meet" someone whose faith actually inspires you, who embodied the best of Christianity? We'd like to introduce you to just such a person! Can anyone guess who this is?

  • He moved into the worst slum in his city as an act of radical solidarity with those who were poor and marginalized, and as a result contracted a lifelong eye disease that nearly blinded him.

  • He started a nationwide movement of worker-owned businesses (co-ops) that enabled working-class people to participate with dignity in the rapacious capitalist expansion of his day.

  • He was one of the boldest, most prolific evangelists of his generation. He preached with compassion to thousands in a country that was less than 2% Christian.

No fee

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Stories of the Saints
10:30 AM10:30

Stories of the Saints

Instructor: Gary Vanderpol, PhD

These are hard times for the church. All the scandals, sellouts, compromises, and craziness can leave us feeling like maybe it's time to join the exodus from institutional Christianity. But there is hope! The family of God is much bigger than you might realize. Come hear the stories of underdog saints (those you've probably never heard of!) whose lives will surprise, inspire, and challenge us. Their witness and words open our eyes to a much-needed vision for healthy, renewed experience of Christian community. Format: Presentation plus Q&A, followed by information conversation. 

Light breakfast is provided.

General fee $15 / Students free

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