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Learning from the Inklings in Wartime: When Civilization and Cultures are on the Brink

A New College Berkeley Conference

Join some of today's leading experts on the Inklings as we discuss the timely topic of global unrest and the lessons of war as seen through this legendary group of friends. Together we shall grapple with questions such as:

  • What were the Oxford Inklings up to when the winds of war were blowing?

  • What can we learn from Lewis, Tolkien, Barfield and Williams during two world wars and the rise of fascism in Europe?

  • When "the center cannot hold," how shall we then live?

The program includes two plenary sessions plus a selection of "Wisdom in the Winds of War" breakout conversations, such as:

  • A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and A Great War (Loconte) book discussion

  • C.S. Lewis and his Writings on Hell workshop

  • Lewis's 1939 "Learning in War-time" Sermon conversation

  • The Lord of the Rings board game: Understand Tolkien through play

About the Speakers

Dr. Michael J. Christensen - Professor of Theology and Center Director of the Romantic Theology program at Northwind Seminary. Once Senior Resident Scholar at The Kilns (Lewis's historic home in Oxford), he is the author of C.S. Lewis on Scripture and contributor to the C.S. Lewis Study Bible.

Rob Jones - Singer/songwriter, poet and author of the award-winning The Hidden Work: Poems Inspired by the Writings of C.S. Lewis as well as Bad Boys of the Kingdom(fiction), Re-Enchanted (poetry), and Here Comes the Night (for children). 

Dr. James Pothero - Retired professor of English and Literature, watercolor artist, and author of Sunbeams & Bottles: The Theology, Thought and Reading of C.S. Lewis. Dr. Prothero enjoys writing fiction as well as re-reading the English Romantics and the Oxford Inklings.

Dr. Joe Ricke - Director of the Inkling Folk Fellowship, an international group of scholars, readers and artists. Previously professor of English and Director of the Center for the Study of C.S. Lewis & Friends at Taylor University. Singer/songwriter with The Ricke Brothers.  

Related Event

Friday, March 21 Special premiere showing of The Forge of Friendship - a new definitive documentary on two literary giants, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, and their incredible bond -


First Presbyterian Church Berkeley is located at 2407 Dana Street, Berkeley, and the event will held in Geneva Hall, Calvin Room.

New parking procedure

There is free parking in the FPCB underground parking lot (on Channing Way). You will need to sign in at the kiosk located in the first floor reception area of the church. You must add your parking stall number in order to complete this sign in.