Spiritual Formation

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Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius /  GROUP Format / 2025-2026
to Apr 30

Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius / GROUP Format / 2025-2026

Led by Susan Phillips, PhD & Sharon Henthorn-Iwane

The Spiritual Exercises were developed by Ignatius of Loyola in the 16th century. They offer a structure to daily living which elicits and encourages experiences of an ongoing relationship with God. The Exercises include learning to pray with our imagination and how to enter into the stories of Jesus so they intersect with our own lives.

The commitment includes weekly sessions of group spiritual direction (Thursdays, 9:30-11:30am) and monthly individual spiritual direction (30 min sessions), as well as attendance at two optional retreats. Retreatants will also commit to daily prayer.

General Program Tuition $1500 / "Living Lightly" Reduced Tuition $1100 / September 2024 - May 2025

If you are interested in this program, please email Susan Phillips at susansandersphillips@gmail.com to arrange a preliminary interview.

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Group Spiritual Direction / Sept 2025-May 2026
to May 21

Group Spiritual Direction / Sept 2025-May 2026

  • Google Calendar ICS

Instructors: Spiritual directors supervised by Susan Phillips, PhD*

An incredible opportunity for spiritual direction in small groups committed to spiritual friendship, contemplative listening, and prayer. Groups of four directees meet monthly for nine months throughout the Bay Area under the guidance of an experienced spiritual director. Other groups grow out of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius program. Meetings will be held in person and/or online (TBD with group members).

“Group spiritual direction helps individuals grow in their faith, love others more fully, and participate in the mission of the church more effectively.” Alice Fryling, 2009

NOTE: Dates and Times
September 2024-May 2025, 2-hour meetings, day & time TBD with group members

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A Contemplative Lenten Retreat with Susan Phillips, PhD
9:30 AM09:30

A Contemplative Lenten Retreat with Susan Phillips, PhD

About the Retreat / Online zoom

The word “Lent” is related to Latin cognates meaning long and slow (“lente,” “lento”). Like Advent, Lent is a speed bump in the year, inviting us into reflection, confession, and prayer, a time of remembering God’s costly love for us. We enter the retreat seeking God’s Light in the darkness of war, political tensions, environmental devastations, social turmoil around the globe, and seeking God’s Light, too, in the privacy of our own hearts. 

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Advent in the Context of Empire: Awaiting Jesus’ Arrival, Then and Now
1:00 PM13:00

Advent in the Context of Empire: Awaiting Jesus’ Arrival, Then and Now

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke actually portray the birth of Jesus in quite divergent ways, emphasizing different themes that will resonate throughout their accounts of the messiah’s life, death, and resurrection. What the two infancy narratives have in common is an understanding that Jesus was born and lived his life entirely within the context of the world-conquering military and political power of the Roman Empire. Grasping that historical context really matters for those of us today who seek to understand the Gospels as we ourselves read from within a contemporary environment characterized by empire. Join biblical scholar Michael Barram and local pastors for a fascinating exploration of the Gospel birth narratives within their imperial contexts, and an engaging discussion about how those accounts can help shape and form our communities of faith for our own contextualized participation in God’s mission in the world today.

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Contemplative Advent Retreat / Prayer, Reflection and Readying for Pilgrimage with Christ
9:30 AM09:30

Contemplative Advent Retreat / Prayer, Reflection and Readying for Pilgrimage with Christ


Christians are called people of the Way (Acts 9:2): We follow the Way, live the Way, and prepare the Way. Advent is an opportunity to reflect on this adventure into which God invites us.

Carve out time in the press toward Christmas to prepare your hearts for walking the Way in the year ahead. Join us for a morning of prayer, reflection, and readying ourselves to continue our great pilgrimage with Christ.

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Staying Spiritually Centered in the Political Storm: A Mini-Retreat
7:00 PM19:00

Staying Spiritually Centered in the Political Storm: A Mini-Retreat

Has this election season been a little overwhelming?  Finding yourself either news-obsessed or fleeing from it altogether?  Rev. Dr. Steve Wong, Rev. Tammy Long, and Karen Seth will offer a space for processing the current moment, offering perspective, and practicing contemplative prayer to help center us beyond "fight or flight."  The goal is for a spiritual groundedness that frees us to give our attention to what it means follow Jesus and for the Church to bear faithful witness to the hope of the gospel in these uncertain times.  In this mini-retreat, there will be time for sharing, practical considerations, and prayerful contemplation in small groups. 

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Discerning Gospel Faithfulness in the SF Bay Area:  an Introduction
10:00 AM10:00

Discerning Gospel Faithfulness in the SF Bay Area: an Introduction

Presenters: Dr. Russell Yee & Dr. Rebecca Hernandez

Description: This workshop launches NCB 3.0’s mission to discern gospel faithfulness together in the San Francisco Bay Area. What does it mean to be a Christ-follower here now, given the natural and social history of this land, including its Native American heritage and hopes? How do history and memory shape the gifts and challenges of Christian discipleship here, especially in the face of rapid change and uncertainty? What does the Good News look and sound like here and now? Through presentations and guided discussion, we’ll work together to explore these questions and seek gospel wisdom together.

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Spiritual Exercise of St. Ignatius / INDIVIDUAL Format / ONGOING
10:00 AM10:00

Spiritual Exercise of St. Ignatius / INDIVIDUAL Format / ONGOING

with Sharon Henthorn-Iwane

The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius program is available one-on-one with Sharon Henthorn-Iwane. This individually-directed retreat (via Zoom or in-person) is for those who wish to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. The retreatant commits to at least 40-50 minutes of prayer every day using materials from the Spiritual Exercises and to meeting one-on-one for an hour a week with an experienced spiritual director. This retreat usually spans a 9 month period.

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Nurturing Human-ness in Anxious Times: A Mini-Retreat
2:00 PM14:00

Nurturing Human-ness in Anxious Times: A Mini-Retreat


How do I keep emotionally and spiritually healthy amidst the social tumult around me? Can I be fully human when dehumanizing forces prevail? Under duress, we often live and act as a traumatized species, prone to hurt each other until we can find better ways of engaging our pain and transforming it as both individuals and communities. As a therapist and spiritual director, my approach is to create spaces where people can cultivate connections across divides (whether perceived or real) to nurture our capacity for 'full humanity' as Christ models and makes possible for those who walk closely with Him. This workshop offers an invitation and an opportunity for pastors, spiritual directors, therapists and all who care forthe anxious, to share our gifts and vulnerabilities, lament our losses, and disarm dehumanizing forces, to promote post-traumatic healing, wholeness and healthy community - for ourselves and those we love and serve.

Registration: General $35/ Reduced $15/ Students Free

Location: First Presbyterian Church Berkeley, 94704

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Can Depolarization Happen? Restorative Conversations in the Heart Zone
to Apr 18

Can Depolarization Happen? Restorative Conversations in the Heart Zone

Course runs over 3 consecutive Thursdays.

April 4th 5:30-7pm / April 11th 5:30-7pm / April 18th 5:30-7pm

with Ted Lewis

Church communities are increasingly being challenged by polarizing issues. Meanwhile, new stresses and strains are causing micro-harms and conflicts between church members, resulting in atmospheres of avoidance and mistrust. This workshop is one of four (each can be attended as a standalone) that tap into biblical narratives to offer rich wisdom for how people in church settings can hold space for hard but healing conversations. The power of people telling their own stories and being heard well by others is vital, but this work often requires the help of third-party facilitators. Participants receive an introductory foundation for facilitating conversations that help people move from a defensive “head-zone” to an open “heart-zone” so that new life can rise up.


FEE: General: $75 / Living Lightly: $30 / Students: Free

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Forming a Collective Spirituality
1:00 PM13:00

Forming a Collective Spirituality

What Non-western Cultural Orientations and Wisdom Traditions Teach Us About a Holistic Collective Spirituality.

with Cindy S. Lee

Christian spiritual formation resources and teachings have primarily come from Western spiritual traditions. Our current approach to formation comes out of that way of thinking and being, communicating that the white experience of God is the norm and authority. This workshop facilitates a communal listening and imagination for what non-western cultural orientations and wisdom traditions teach us about a holistic collective spirituality.  It will combine instruction, conversation and guided spiritual exercises in a contemplative-friendly space. 

LOCATION: A Bay Area location TBD

FEE: $40 general admission.  There is a "living lightly" option of $15, and all students are free.

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Series RECAP: Restorative Practices for Church Communities
4:30 PM16:30

Series RECAP: Restorative Practices for Church Communities

with Ted Lewis

In this series recap session, Ted Lewis will review the material of his series on "Restorative Practices for Congregations: Balancing Truth-telling with Trust-building" (see description below) including the following topics:

  • A Genesis Journey from Rivalry to Reconciliation

  • The First Half of Acts from Clash to Coexistence

  • Matthew 18 Conversations from Fear to Forgiveness

  • Philemon and Facilitation from the Head to the Heart

Participants do NOT have to have attended all of the sessions to participate in this recap. You are invited to join even if you have only attended one of the series' sessions.

LOCATION: Online on Zoom

FEE: Free

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A Contemplative Advent Retreat / Prayer, Reflection and Readying for Pilgrimage with Christ
9:30 AM09:30

A Contemplative Advent Retreat / Prayer, Reflection and Readying for Pilgrimage with Christ

Led by Susan Phillips, PhD

Christians are called people of the Way (Acts 9:2): We follow the Way, live with the Way, and prepare the Way. Advent is an opportunity to reflect on this adventure into which God invites us. Carve out time in the press toward Christmas to prepare your hearts for walking the Way in the year ahead. Join us for a morning of prayer, reflection, and readying ourselves to continue our great pilgrimage with Christ.

Co-sponsored by New College Berkeley and First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley

Registration Fee: General $25/ Reduced $10/ Student Free

Location: Online/zoom

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Group Spiritual Direction
to Apr 5

Group Spiritual Direction

An incredible opportunity for spiritual direction in small groups committed to spiritual friendship, contemplative listening, and prayer. Groups of four directees meet monthly for nine months throughout the Bay Area under the guidance of an experienced spiritual director. (Meetings will begin virtually due to COVID-19.)

$60/month per person (total of $540 for the 9-meeting program).

  • September – May

  • Time and location TBD by group members

    *Spiritual direction groups for undergraduate, graduate students, and seminary students are available.

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A Contemplative Lenten Retreat
9:30 AM09:30

A Contemplative Lenten Retreat

Led by Susan Phillips, PhD

Co-sponsored by New College Berkeley and First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley

The word “Lent” is related to Latin cognates meaning long and slow (“lente,” “lento”). Like Advent, Lent is a speed bump in the church year, inviting us into reflection, confession, and prayer as we approach Holy Week and Easter, a time when we remember the profound costliness of God’s abundant love for us. We enter the retreat this year following a long year of seeking God’s Light in the darkness of the ongoing pandemic, war on other shores, political elections, and social turmoil. Join us for a morning of contemplating God's great love for us and our aching world.

General fee $30 / Student fee $10

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