A lunch conversation with Dr. Lisa Bowens of Princeton Theological Seminary
For students and faculty of UC Berkeley, GTU, and other schools
Many African Americans utilized scripture in their struggle for liberation and justice. This conversation is an opportunity to explore the writings of black interpreters of the Apostle Paul from the1700s to the mid-twentieth century and consider the significance of these interpreters for American history and for the church. At this free luncheon, Dr. Bowens will share a brief presentation on these themes, and then open the time up for conversation.
Lisa Bowens, an Associate Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, earned a BS (cum laude), MSBE, and MLIS from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and an MTS and ThM from Duke Divinity School. She received her PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary and is the first African American woman to earn tenure in Princeton Theological Seminary’s Bible department, where she teaches a variety of courses.
Free Admission.
Dr. Bowens will also give a public lecture entitled “Looking Back to Look Forward: Black Pauline Interpreters of the Past Speaking to Our Future” on Saturday, May 3rd. Learn more and register here.
Co-sponsored by New College Berkeley and First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley. This annual lectureship, established in honor of the Reverend Earl F. Palmer, brings the lens of biblical scholarship to issues of concern to the university, the seminary, and the church.
First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, 94704