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Praying and Journal-Keeping in Anxious Times

Co-sponsored with Peninsula Covenant Church

In this all-day workshop, you will acquire practical handles on how to pray and journal - two spiritual disciplines that complement each other and help us personally, and collectively, to navigate these changing and uncertain times.

In the morning, we’ll learn about “the other kind of prayer,” that is, not just talking to God (and running out of things to say) but rather, hearing from God. In other words, this session will help you stop worrying about what you’re saying and help you attune your ears to what God is already saying to you. We’ll look at some common myths about prayer, consider some alternate ways of looking at prayer, and then try out a couple of approaches to prayer that let God be the conversation starter. 

In the afternoon, we will try out several approaches to journaling as a way of opening new avenues of prayer and reflection. Journaling can serve surprising purposes that sometimes go well beyond the immediate purposes of staying with, developing, and exploring thoughts and prayer intentions. A journal often proves to be a place where beginnings happen that take you into new territory. The workshop will consist of instruction, practical exercises and group discussion.

This workshop is co-sponsored by Peninsula Covenant Church (PCC). You can learn more about PCC at

About the Presenters

Rev. Dr. Steve Wong is a native Californian, born and raised in San Francisco (original home of the Golden State Warriors!). He's a graduate of Biola University with an MDiv in Theology, and a PhD in psychology, and he's a trained spiritual director and a qualified administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory.

Dr. Marilyn McEntyre, a longtime professor of literature and medical humanities, teaches for New College Berkeley and Westmont College, and is on the faculty of Western Seminary’s “Sacred Art of Writing” doctor of ministry program as well as the “Forest Dwelling” program at the Oblate School of Theology. She offers spiritual retreats and writing workshops and continues to write about spirituality, language, healthcare and earth care. She also works as a writing coach. Her recent books include When Poets Pray, Speaking Peace in a Climate of Conflict, and a collection of Lenten readings, Where the Eye Alights.


Free parking is available and lunch will be provided. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know at


Peninsula Covenant Church, 94061

Earlier Event: January 10
Faith & Film / "The Eyes of Tammy Fay"
Later Event: February 14
Faith & Film Series "About Time"